Format of Paper (논문양식)


JCCS Formatting and Style Guide


1. Manuscripts shall not exceed 18 typeset pages in length. 10,000 won shall be charged for each additional page.


2. For the version of Microsoft Word, a 2007 or later version is strongly recommended. Manuscripts created in earlier versions will be opened in a 2007 or later version. Editors are not responsible for the compatibility problems resulting from it.


3. In co-authored papers, the position of authors shall be decided by contribution in JCCS. The authors should not be listed in alphabetical order, but by contribution: author sequence should be the most important author (the corresponding author), the second important author, and so on. The full name, job title and professional affiliation of each author should be included in the title page.


4. Style
(1) Page setup (margins): Top 6 cm, bottom 6 cm, left 5 cm, right 5 cm, bound 0


(2) Style and format

  1. The title of the manuscript: SimSun Font (Founder Extended), Font size 16, Bold, Alignment centered
  2. Author name: SimSun Font (Founder Extended), Font size 11, Bold, Alignment Right
  3. Text: SimSun Font (Founder Extended), Font size 10.5, Zoom 95, Paragraph indent 20
  4. Quotation: SimSun Font (Founder Extended), Font size 9, Zoom 95, Left margin 15, Right margin 15.
  5. Footnotes : Simsun Font (Founder Extended), Font size 9, Line spacing 120, Paragraph indent 18
  6. Chapter title: SimSun Font (Founder Extended), Font size 13, Bold, Alignment centered
  7. Section title: SimSun Font (Founder Extended), Font size 12, Alignment justified
  8. Subsection title: SimSun Font (Founder Extended), Font size 11, Alignment justified


(3) Table of Contents
1st Procedure: 1, 2, 3... (Times New Roman, Justify alignment)
2nd Procedure: 1.1, 2.1, 3.1... (Times New Roman, Justify alignment)


(4) Footnote


  1. ① For Books: author(s) or translator(s), title, publishing house, the year of publication, page number(s) cited. Example:
  2. Liu, Lydia. Translingual Practice: Literature, National Culture, and Translated Modernity, China, 1900-1937. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995, pp. 25-29.
  3. ② For Journals: author(s), article title, the name of the journal, volume, number, the year of publication, page number(s). Example:
  4. Lauren F. Pfister, “Philosophical Explorations of the Transformative Dimension in Chinese Culture,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy Vol. 35, No. 4 (December 2008), pp. 663-682.


(5) References


  1. ① Label the page <References>, center the words References at the top of the page, use Times New Roman Font, Font size 12, Bold.
  2. ② When referencing material in languages other than English, provide an English translation or transliteration and the title and include the original edition of a work in brackets. Put book titles and journal titles in Italic. Example:
  3. Books:
  4. Wang Ping (王平), The Study and Reading of Shuowen (《說文研讀》), Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2011.
  5. Articles:
  6. Huang Zheng (黃徵), “The Key Points to The Study of the Non-Classical Word in Dunhuang Manuscripts (《敦煌俗字要論》)”, Dunhuang Research (《敦煌研究》), 2005.


(6) Abstract
     ① For manuscripts written in Chinese, the abstract should be written in English.
     For manuscripts written in English, the abstract should be written in both Chinese and English.
     ② The title of abstract: Times New Roman Font, Font size 12, Bold, Alignment centered.
     ③ The length of abstract should be 300-500 words, using Times New Roman Font (Font size 10.5 Alignment justified).
     ④ Five Key Words: Times New Roman Font, Bold.


5. Postscripts
     1) Title of the manuscript (both in Chinese and English) and table of contents
     2) Author(s)’ name (both in Chinese and English), institutional affiliation and job title
     3) Funding or grants to the research including the name of the funding agency, country, the number of grant, etc.
     4) Contact information for all of the co-authors, including full name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail address.